Trusted Links
We've compiled a list of resources we respect and love to do business with.
We highly recommend Hatching Time incubators and brooders. This is our affiliate link. Purchases made through this link are eligible for $10 off of any order $100 or more. Or you may use discount code WratherFarms at checkout.
Bryant's Roost offers high quality foam egg shippers, Jumbo Coturnix Quail, Button Quail, Bourbon Red Turkey, show quality LF Buff Orpington and LF Cochin chickens and many other chicken necessities. Make sure to follow their Facebook page as well!
Jacob and Sara Franklin are changing attitudes about rooster stewardship through their group, Rooster Allies and their Roovolution podcasts on YouTube. It is possible to have a good relationship with your rooster, but it requires some reprogramming of our own behaviors and perceptions. If you ask us for help with your rooster, the resources that Sara and Jacob have created are going to be the first place we send you.
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